PMS - Regain Your Hormone Health Balance

PMS - Regain Your Hormone Health Balance

July 18, 2023


What are hormones?

Hormones are our body’s chemical messengers, travelling through the bloodstream to organs and tissues, helping them to communicate. They have a profound, fundamental role in coordinating many complex bodily functions. There are about 50 different types of hormones, supporting bodily processes including digestion, sleep, mood, stress and sexual function. Hormones lie at the very heart of our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing and they are out of sync — even by a small amount — a wide range of signs and symptoms may appear.

How do I know if I have PMS?

PMS is a combination of symptoms that are brought on due to changes in hormone levels during your menstrual cycle, which can lead to unpleasant or uncomfortable physical and emotional symptoms. Commonly, these symptoms include mood swings, fatigue, stomach cramps, bloating and anxiety. 

How can I balance my hormones during my menstrual cycle?

Making even slight alterations to your diet and lifestyles, thereby adjusting your intake of some vital nutrients can help counteract PMS symptoms. Take a look at our recommendations below to help support your hormonal balance.


If your body is lacking in magnesium, it can cause you to experience anxiety, migraines and muscle cramps. As these are all common symptoms of PMS, the experience can be even worse if you aren’t getting enough magnesium in your diet. One solution is to take One Nutrition Ocean Mag – a magnesium supplement powder than can be easily dissolved in water. Alternatively, you can try and increase your magnesium intake through diet by eating foods such as almonds, spinach and pumpkin seeds


Omega-3 fatty acids help our heart and brain function smoothly and need to be obtained from food sources as our bodies are incapable of making them. Foods such as oily fish, nuts and seeds tend to be rich in omega-3, however, it can also be consumed through supplements such. Cleanmarine Krill Oil for Women is a n easily absorbed women's omega 3 supplement which also continues a number of other nutrients mentioned in this article including Vitamin B6. Other omega fatty acids including Evening Primrose Oil may also be helpful, as they stimulate a small production of oestrogen.

Vitamin B6 

According to an article in the British Medical Journal, taking a vitamin B6 supplement every day may help to reduce PMS symptoms including moodiness, anxiety, bloating, forgetfulness and irritability. B6 helps the body use and store its energy, and helps red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. Typically found in fish, poultry and pork as well as some fruits, it can also be taken as a supplement. . Alternatively,  is a multi-nutrient supplement that contains B6 as well as other vital nutrients such as omega-3 and B12. We like BioCare P-5-P Complex, which also contains magnesium and zinc.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient that can be found in vegetable oil, nuts and seeds. It can help to reduce feelings of stress and irritability, so it can be beneficial to take if you are suffering from these symptoms of PMS. 

Don’t Forget to Exercise!

In addition to increasing your intake of vital nutrients, some exercises can also help to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with PMS. Doing regular aerobic exercises can help to reduce some of the symptoms brought on by PMS. Recommended exercises include walking, jogging, running, swimming and cycling – however, to be have a positive effect, these exercises need to be performed regularly and not just whilst you are feeling the symptoms. 



Essential oils may help support hormonal imbalance when used in a massage or warm bath. Try Absolute Aromas Equilibrium blend with notes of Rose and Frankincense


Inspired Health - Hormonal Imbalance in Women: Types, Causes, Signs, Solutions & Treatments

Inspired Health - Looking For Some Natural Ways to Address PMS?