Health Advice | Evergreen Blog | Evergreen Healthfoods

Discover the world of natural health and wellbeing with Health Advice blogs from Evergreen Healthfoods. Including our guides to the best supplements for you
a field of fresh arnica flowering plants

A Spotlight On: Arnica

Extracts from arnica have been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect and they promote blood circulation, relieve pain and speed up the healing process.
  • 1 m read
a field of fresh green rosemary

A Spotlight On: Rosemary

The herb rosemary traditionally helps with digestion, circulation and lifting the spirits. Rosemary is a hardy plant, but with a poetic name.
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a field of lavender plants

A Spotlight On: Lavender

Lavender has a relaxing effect on the whole body, the components of lavender oil can help against nervous agitation, cramps, and indigestion.
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Evening Primrose flowers blooming in a field

A Spotlight On: Evening Primrose

The evening primrose works with the woman who has reached this stage of life, supporting the skin’s ability to allow her character to emerge.
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a field of Calendula flowers blooming

A Spotlight On: Calendula

A garden favourite with great healing, soothing and restorative properties. The calendula plant, known affectionately as marigold, or common marigold.
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Relieve A Sore Throat Naturally

Relieve A Sore Throat Naturally

A sore throat can be a miserable part of winters coughs and colds. Usually caused by a viral infection they can bring pain when swallowing, cause a hoarse voice, bring a dry scratchy throat and cause redness at the back of the throat.  Most sore throats will improve in less than a week, but if you want a natural helping hand to feel more comfortable while you heal, we have a great selection of natural sore throat remedies.
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Zen beach with rocks stacked up

The Stress-Reducing Power of Nature: Balancing Cortisol Naturally

In our fast-paced modern lives, stress has become an unwelcome companion for many with the constant demands of work, family, and daily responsibilities.
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jar of honey - great for getting rid of a cough naturally

Evergreen's Top Natural Cough Remedies

From trusted herbs like Echinacea to herbal teas and good old gargling salt water, here are some of the best ways to treat a cough naturally.
  • 5 m read
Nature's First Aid Kit

Nature's First Aid Kit

There is a natural alternative for nearly every item in your first aid kit at home. Take a look at our round up of the most common first aid emergencies and how to tackle them naturally.
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field full of wildflowers with wonderful healing properties

Plants that Heal : A Guide To Medicinal Herbs

Our gardens are often home to some magical plants! We're taking a look at some of the healing power of wildflowers including dandelions and nettles.

  • 5 m read