Quinoa Craze: a bowl of quinoa with fresh vegetables

Quinoa Craze: Why This Ancient Grain is a Modern Staple

September 10, 2024

In the past decade, quinoa has transitioned from a relatively obscure crop to a staple in kitchens worldwide, hailed for its health benefits and versatility.

But what exactly has fuelled quinoa's rise in popularity? Let’s explore the key reasons behind the quinoa craze and why it has earned its title as a "superfood". 

  1. Nutritional Powerhouse

One of the primary reasons for quinoa's surge in popularity is its exceptional nutritional profile. Unlike most plant-based foods, quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. This makes it an excellent protein source for vegetarians and vegans. Quinoa is also rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals, including magnesium, iron, potassium, and folate.

Health-conscious individuals are drawn to quinoa because it’s nutrient-dense while being relatively low in calories, offering a powerful combination of benefits whether you follow a plant-based, gluten-free, or low-carb diet.

  1. Dietary Versatility

Quinoa’s versatility in the kitchen is another factor contributing to its widespread appeal. Its mild, nutty flavour and unique texture allow it to blend seamlessly into a variety of dishes. Whether it's being used as a base for salads, a substitute for rice or pasta, or even in baked goods like muffins and granola bars, quinoa’s adaptability makes it a favourite among chefs and home cooks alike.

  1. Sustainability and Ethical Consumption

The rise of quinoa also aligns with the growing interest in sustainability and ethical food choices. Quinoa thrives in harsh conditions and requires fewer resources than many other crops. It is drought-resistant and grows in poor soil, making it a more environmentally sustainable option compared to water-intensive grains.

How to Cook Quinoa

Now that you know why quinoa has become a kitchen favourite, let’s dive into how to cook it perfectly every time. Here’s a simple guide:


  • 1 cup quinoa (rinsed)
  • 2 cups water or broth (for added flavour)
  • A pinch of salt (optional)


  1. Rinse the quinoa: Quinoa naturally has a bitter coating called saponin, so it's important to rinse it under cold water before cooking. Use a fine-mesh sieve to ensure the small grains don’t escape.
  2. Boil the water: In a medium saucepan, bring 2 cups of water or broth to a boil. The liquid-to-quinoa ratio is typically 2:1.
  3. Add quinoa: Stir in the rinsed quinoa and a pinch of salt (if using).
  4. Simmer: Reduce the heat to low, cover the pan, and let the quinoa simmer for about 15 minutes, or until all the liquid is absorbed. You will know it’s done when the grains become translucent, and you can see the tiny spirals (the germ) separate from the seeds.
  5. Fluff and serve: Once cooked, remove the quinoa from the heat and let it sit, covered, for about 5 minutes. Then fluff it with a fork before serving.

Creative Ways to Use Cooked Quinoa

  • Side Dish: Swap out rice or couscous for quinoa as a healthy, protein-packed side for any meal.
  • Salads: Toss quinoa with fresh vegetables, herbs, and a light vinaigrette for a nutrient-packed salad.
  • Buddha Bowls: Use quinoa as the base for a colourful bowl with roasted veggies, avocado, beans, and your favourite dressing.
  • Breakfast: Try it as a warm breakfast porridge with almond milk, cinnamon, honey, and fresh berries.

Quinoa’s popularity can be attributed to its unique combination of being a highly nutritious, versatile, sustainable, and ethically sourced food. From fitness enthusiasts to environmentally conscious eaters, quinoa has become a symbol of modern eating where health, flavour, and ethics meet.

With the added bonus of being easy to cook, quinoa is more than just a passing trend—it's a kitchen staple that’s here to stay.

Some of our favourite Quinoa recipes: 

Quinoa, Black Bean & Vegetable Stuffed Mushrooms.

Quinoa Salad with Toasted Pine Nuts and Pomegranate.

Quinoa Pancakes.

Mediterranean Chickpea Quinoa Stew.

Clearspring Sweet Potato Quinoa Curry with Summertime Garlic Tahini Dressing.