Health Advice | Evergreen Blog | Evergreen Healthfoods

Discover the world of natural health and wellbeing with Health Advice blogs from Evergreen Healthfoods. Including our guides to the best supplements for you
woman making heart shape over her tummy for her digestive health

How to Choose the Right Digestive Enzyme for You

Overdid on the food front? Looking to give your digestion system a helping hand? Here's how to choose the right digestive enzyme for you.
  • 2 m read
brown paper bag with healthy foods that are important for a healthy gut

Eat Your Way to a Healthy Gut

The food we eat determines how healthy our insides are. Give your gut some love by feeding it well.
  • 3 m read
probiotics and gut health

Probiotics and Gut Health: What You Need to Know

Looking to make sure you gut is in tip top shape? We take a look at probiotics and gut health.
  • 4 m read
a range of fermented foods such as miso and sourdough bread

Benefits of Eating Fermented Foods

Want to show your gut health some love? Read all about the many benefits of eating fermented foods here.
  • 2 m read
woman sitting on the floor with cramping from IBS symptoms

Do Probiotics Help with IBS Symptoms?

Wondering what you can do about your IBS? Probiotics may help you tackle unwanted IBS symptoms.
  • 5 m read
woman with IBS cramps lying on the couch

IBS Triggers and Prevention: All You Need to Know

Dealing with IBS? We take a look at IBS triggers and prevention tips to help you get the better of it!
  • 5 m read
man eating bowl of porridge with berries as part of the glycaemic index diet to help with weight

The Glycaemic Index and How it Can Help with Weight

Wondering what the Low GI diet is all about? We've got the low down on the Glycaemic Index and how it can help with weight.
  • 3 m read
woman with heartburn

Natural Ways to Prevent Heartburn That Are Good to Know

Looking to tame that fire like feeling before it starts? Here are some handy natural ways to prevent heartburn!
  • 3 m read
chopping board with slices of grapefruit and orange

Essential Vitamins for Digestive Health (And Where to Get Them)

Your digestive system relies on certain vitamins do its job - here's a round up of the ones you need plus how to get them.
  • 4 m read
the benefits of probiotics when travelling

The Benefits of Taking Probiotics When Travelling

Heading on holidays? Dodge travellers' tummy with a good probiotic supplement!
  • 3 m read
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