two glasses of acai powder smoothies

The Best Ways to Use Acai Powder

June 09, 2016

There are so many super superfoods to choose from it can be hard to know which one suits your needs and your taste buds best. One superfood that has surged in popularity these past few years is acai powder. So what exactly is it and what are the best ways to use acai powder?

Acai powder, pronounced ah-sigh-ee, comes from the highly nutritious acai berry and it is said to taste like chocolate and wild berries (which probably explains why it's the go-to superfood for many). Like the sounds of that? Then keep reading. We've got all the nutritional stats on this amazing berry plus the best ways to use acai powder.

Where do acai berries come from?

A relative of the blueberry, this small dark berry grows on tall palm trees throughout the tropical regions of Central and South America. Because the acai berry is so perishable, it is dried and ground to ensure the berry keeps as many of its nutritional properties as possible.

Super Acai: A Nutritional Powerhouse

This purple powder is jam packed with potent antioxidants including resveratrol, cyanidin-3-galactoside, ferulic acid, delphinidin, epicatechin, protocatechuic acid and ellagic, as well omega fats (which are great for hair and nails), fibre, protein, vitamin E, vitamin B1 and B2, potassium and calcium making it one of the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet! As if all that wasn’t enough, it is also low in sugar and low on the glycaemic index (GI), meaning it helps to make you feel fuller for longer.

The Best Ways to Use Acai Powder

This super superfood powder is so easy to add to your diet and its mild flavour makes it suitable for even the fussiest eaters. We've rounded up some of the best ways to use acai powder to make it super easy to add to your diet.

Acai bowls have won many a heart - essentially a thick smoothie in a bowl, they're jam packed with fruits and toppings like seeds, granola, nuts and nut butters, making it a nutritional force to be reckoned with.

Acai powder can also be added to cereal, yogurt, baked goods and can even be used to sweeten raw chocolate. But our favourite way to use acai powder in your diet is with smoothies. Not only does it add even more natural nutrition to smoothies, the natural purple hue of the powder makes your smoothies look as good as they taste!

Here are two of our favourite recipes for acai smoothies:

Want pick up some acai powder yourself? Shop for it online at here!

if you like this this superfood, then we think you will love Manuka Honey! Read our blog 'Health Benefits of Manuka Honey Plus Ways to Use It' to learn all about it!

Checked and updated: 1 September 2021


Super Superfoods Acai Smoothie


  • 1 tsp acai powder
  • 2 handfuls of baby spinach
  • 1 banana (small)
  • ½ avocado
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp goji berries
  • 200mls of almond milk (can be replaced with water or ice cubes)



Throw everything in the blender and mix for 20-30 seconds until smooth, & Enjoy!