Marigold Sesame Fried Tempeh

Marigold Sesame Fried Tempeh

May 15, 2024

Prep: 15 mins | Serves: 2 people

Marigold Tempeh is made from pure fermented soya beans on the island of Java. It is shaped into tasty discs, ready to eat or cook as you prefer. A natural, gluten free, vegan meat alternative which is gut friendly and a delicious source of protein.

Recipe tip: Serve with a fresh crisp salad for a quick and rewarding supper.


  • 1 x 280g tin of Marigold Tempeh slices
  • 2 tbsp plain flour
  • A small cup of dairy free milk
  • 2 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil (We've used olive oil)
  • Seasoning – dried herbs, salt and pepper



Dip each disc in flour and coat well. Then dip in milk, coat with sesame seeds and your chosen seasoning.


Heat the oil in a shallow pan until just on the verge of sizzling. Fry the discs for 2 to 3 minutes on each side (until golden brown) then drain on some kitchen towel.


Serve immediately and enjoy.