hands holding a seedling with background of a wood

True Trees - Reforestation with True Natural Goodness

December 15, 2023

Did you know, 10,000 years ago 80% of Ireland was covered by forests but by 1900 this was down to 1%? With recent efforts, Ireland has managed to increase this to 11%, but only 2% of this number are native varieties.

European countries have set targets for reforestation, with the average country having a target of 33% reforestation.  Ireland's national target for 2050 is only18% which involves planting 22 million trees per year.

Irish wholefoods brand True Natural Goodness decided they wanted to do their bit by planting 10,000* trees over the next year and have partnered with Reforest Nation on their mission of reforestation.

A portion of every True Natural Goodness prepack and pouch sale will now be used to plant trees - the more they sell, the more trees they can plant. Their target of 10,000 trees over the next year will each sequester 50 tonnes of Co2 per year. You can make a positive climate impact when doing your food shopping by choosing True Natural Goodness products at Evergreen Healthfoods.

50% of the trees will be planted in Ireland in Dublin, Wicklow, Louth, Monaghan, Meath, Laois, Roscommon, Limerick, Kerry, Clare, Galway, Mayo, Sligo, Armagh & Donegal. These will be made up of 20 certified native varieties including Oak, Birch, Hazel, Willow, Alder, Wild cherry, Crab apple, Scot’s pine, Rowan, Spindle, Whitethorn, Blackthorn & Guelder rose. In Ireland, the trees in the reforestation project will be planted with nature reserves, rewilding projects, community initiatives, schools & eco conscious landowners.

The final 50% of the Trees will be planted in Madagascar, Mozambique, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nepal, Indonesia, Haiti, Nicaragua & Honduras.

We'll be keeping track of how many trees Evergreen customers have contributed to planting.  Keep an eye on their brand page at True Natural Goodness for regular updates.

For more information visit www.reforestnation.ie

* 5,000 trees planted in Ireland and 5,000 in areas around the world impacted by deforestation

