Marigold Organic and Less Salt Swiss Vegetable Vegan Bouillon Powder


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Marigold Organic and Less Salt Swiss Vegetable Vegan Bouillon Powder

Marigold’s deliciously Organic and Less Salt Bouillons are perfect as a natural seasoning for stews, sauces, casseroles and hot drinks. Made to their own unique Swiss vegetable recipe, their organic and less salt variant contains no MSG and is gluten free


Rice Flour*, Sea Salt, Maltodextrin (from maize)*, Vegetables 8.3% (onion, carrot, parsnip, pumpkin)*, Yeast Extract, Sunflower Oil*, Turmeric*, Mushrooms (white mushroom, shiitake)*, Parsley*, Concentrated Vegetable Juice (onion, carrot)*, Lovage*, Garlic*, Fennel Seed*. *Organically grown ingredients.

Dairy Free Gluten Free No Added Sugar Organic Soil Association Organic Vegan Vegetarian
Marigold Organic and Less Salt Swiss Vegetable Vegan Bouillon Powder
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