happy women drinking Iswari functional coffees

Functional Coffee: How To Prepare & Its Uses

June 13, 2024

Iswari functional coffee is an instant beverage, filled with benefits for your well-being.

It's the perfect blend for an energy boost before your workout or at any moment of your day. Keto-friendly, organic, and delicious.

What is functional coffee?

Functional coffee is a variation of traditional coffee that includes additional ingredients known for their health benefits, enhancing the nutritional profile of coffee. In the case of Iswari functional coffee, these ingredients include pumpkin protein, MCT powder, spices like ginger, cinnamon, or pepper, and functional ingredients like maca or cocoa. The goal? Transform the simple act of drinking coffee into an experience that offers health advantages. Perfect for those concerned about being at their best. If you like coffee but want something more interesting at a functional level, switch now to one of these blends: the Extreme Energy or the Extreme Vitality.

Benefits of Functional Coffee

If you love coffee, we have good news for you. Coffee is not just a beverage that helps us start our day energetically but can also be an essential part of a healthy and functional diet. Discover the benefits of functional coffee with the Extreme Energy or the Extreme Vitality from Iswari and how you can incorporate it more consciously into your daily routine:

The functional coffee Extreme Energy and Extreme Vitality combine the best ingredients in fewer calories to optimize daily activities, boost workouts, studies, work routine, and when you need an extra inspiration. Natural ingredients that, combined, assist in daily activities that require focus and energy. Organic coffee, MCT, spices, or protein are some of them. These are two organic, keto-friendly coffees, so nobody is left out. Ready to try?

What distinguishes Extreme Energy and Extreme Vitality from Iswari?

  • Organic
  • Vegan
  • Gluten-free
  • Soluble Arabic coffee
  • Keto-friendly (suitable for ketogenic diets)
  • About 25 kcal per serving – Extreme Energy
  • About 29 kcal per serving – Extreme Vitality
  • Compatible with intermittent fasting, ketogenic diet, and low carb

Is functional coffee a source of energy?

Iswari Extreme Energy functional coffee is formulated with chicory, soluble coffee, and MCTs from coconut. This functional coffee offers a quick source of energy, aids digestion, and helps increase satiety. Cinnamon, ginger, and MCT (a source of fat that stimulates the state of ketosis, where the body uses fat as its main source of energy, not carbohydrates), facilitate the burning of fats. And, in addition to offering various nutritional properties, the spices offer a perfect combination of flavors.

The Iswari's Extreme Energy functional coffee also has a high iron and magnesium content, which contribute to reducing fatigue and exhaustion. It is also rich in copper, which supports normal energy-producing metabolism, and is a source of proteins, which contribute to the growth and maintenance of muscle mass. Perfect for a pre-workout or a study session that requires concentration.

Functional coffee as a source of vitality

The Extreme Vitality functional coffee from Iswari is the perfect blend for before training or an energy boost at any time of the day. Due to the MCTs from the coconut, this unique blend of soluble coffee can offer a quick source of energy, increase the feeling of satiety, and even help induce a state of ketosis.

In addition to being low in sugars, the Extreme Vitality functional coffee from Iswari also has a high content of potassium, iron, fiber, protein, and magnesium, which contribute to reducing fatigue and exhaustion.

Iswari functional coffee wonders

Functional coffee is more than just a tasty drink. It can be a valuable tool to improve your health and well-being. If you want to focus more on burning fat, it is ideal to drink your functional coffee without sugar and milk or any vegetable-based drink. If taste drives you, take a risk with almond milk. And, if you want to go further, you know: add mushrooms! Hot or with ice, it always tastes good. Lift your cup, savor your functional coffee, and enjoy all the benefits it can offer.