Be Kind Incense on a wooden deck with leaves

Evergreen: Behind The Label With Be Kind Industries

July 14, 2023

Introduce yourself.

We are Be Kind Industries. We are business partners and life partners, Mark and Kylie. Best friends from a young age that then blossomed into so much more. Be Kind Industries is a platform we created to spread positivity, spiritual wellbeing, mindfulness and healing to others. We have launched a natural incense brand as our first product line that is completely chemical free and promotes healing and mindfulness. It compliments any mediation, practise, treatment , therapy or home with its natural indulging essences. Burning incense immediately creates a present moment awareness for a person or group and promotes stillness and calm. We are at the beginning of a huge journey through the brand as it is a message to us to constantly remind our own selves to be kind to our self on this journey. We are both training in Yoga and Psychotherapy in tandem with building Be Kind Industries right now.

What inspired you to join the natural health sector?

We were on our own spiritual and wellness journey collectively and individually, we noticed the binding force of all this was the essence of incenses, it was always present in our practise. We became connected to a spiritual community in India who had been hand rolling incense for the Temples of India for over 200 years, each component of the process is by hand from hand harvesting the ingredients, drying them, grinding them and rolling. Each part of the process is done with intention and love and that is felt through the experience of each stick. The makers are devotee’s to god and there spiritual practise and there intention and ours is to spread the essence of enlightenment through the experience of this incredible incense, it is simply the best quality in the world.

When we first stumbled upon the incense we could not believe someone somewhere had gone to this level of effort to make these incense for us to enjoy in our practise or meditation as well as reaping all the health benefits of the plant medicines which reside inside each stick. The incense is chemical free and feels pure in its experience. Our tag line is… “The Truth Is In The Experience”

Where did you get the idea for your brand?

We built the brand before we launched the first product line. Our brand was a brainchild of wanting to give a better message to the world via socials and advertising in conjunction with outlaying a philosophy we wanted to live by and aspire to. In a world where self-care, self-love and kindness can be put on the back burner we wanted to put it at the forefront for ourselves and others and spread a good message of connection. The very act of burning incense is a an act of self-care and self-love for oneself.

What makes your brand unique?

We do things very different, our whole first year was about making as much connections as we could in the wellness industry in Ireland which is truly blossoming. We really want to be a part of this community for our own healing. We arrived with a real desire to connect and promote togetherness. Our incense is simply unique and unmatched in quality, origin and heritage, it's an ancestral tradition and recipes that encapsulates the true essence of this earth and its meaning from mother nature, keeping us connected to our roots.

What are your company’s core values?

Truth, togetherness, connection, kindness, love and openness.

How do you support your community?

Through sharing our experiences, bringing people together through our unique events where we collaborate with Irelands top wellness industry leaders and pioneers to bring our community an amazing unique experience. We are involved with sponsoring and promoting many wellness charity events across the country. We also support and sponsor many wellness events and retreats across the country. We are about to launch our first ambassador programme with a collective of Ireland’s top wellness facilitators in the next coming weeks and months so stay tuned.

What has been the most rewarding part of your brands journey?

The most rewarding part for us is simply to be on the journey, connecting to so many likeminded people and to witness the conscious rise in the Irish community currently, there is a huge conscious shift towards wellbeing and mindfulness in every community around the country and to be a part of this and to witness it is truly inspiring. There is a revolution of love and togetherness happening in this country and it is amazing.

What in your opinion makes Irish brands unique?

Ireland has an abundance of creatively inspiring brands right now. There is so much quality, depth and passion being poured into these brands as well blood sweat and tears. It's very inspiring and uplifting to make connection with all the wellness brands in Ireland right now who share the journey. Its amazing to witness the collaboration over competition between Irish brands, everyone is lifting everyone up, its incredible and needs to be supported so much more.

What is your favourite product from your brand?

Lough Tay – Cedarwood all day. Although Wicklow's Way Oud is our most popular I really feel a wave of calm, clarity and focus when burning cedarwood, it is also a heart opener and brings me great peace when focusing on a task or reflecting in mediation, naturally I am burning it right now…

Tell us about something that has shaped your brand?

Putting yourself out there isn’t easy, we knew people needed to experience this plant medicine, that was our calling. We wanted as many people to experience that first experience as we did and why we became obsessed and called to deliver this product to the Irish market. What has shaped us is the feedback and validation from so many people, approaching us at events or in stockists and sharing there experiences with the brand and how there children are enjoying them also, to hear we are carrying a message to our youth of today is truly remarkable, they are witnessing our conscious collective shift. We instantly took off from the beginning based on so much love given back to us and we are already positioned in over 250 Irish stores and we are not even 1 year old, we have served orders to America, Canada, Australia and mainland Europe, we are really feeling the love and it lifts us up and drives us forward.

What do you hope to accomplish in the future?

We are already on the cusp of launching our Irish Way line featuring all the best sacred and historical sites of Ireland, the first release is happening in the next few weeks. We are also in the early stages of developing a whole new Be Kind Line with some extra cool features. Our Be Kind Experience event returns in the Winter to celebrate our 1 year birthday so we have loads happening. Keep your eyes peeled.

Want to read more about our favourite Irish brands? Click here to see Oriel Marine Extracts’s 'Evergreen: Behind The Label' blog.