tips for zero waste living to get you started

5 Tips for Zero Waste Living to Get You Started

July 01, 2019

Wondering what zero waste means? Or how you can get involved? Today we're taking a look at some tips for zero waste living to celebrate our new zero waste category. We delve in to what zero waste really means, and share some helpful tips for zero waste living to get you started...

What is Zero Waste?

Simply put zero waste living is an initiative aimed at reducing and ultimately cancelling out the need for landfills. By becoming zero waste we are essentially reducing what we use. Reusing as much as we can. Recycling less and composting what we cannot.

At the present moment we live in a linear economy where we take resources from the earth and then unfortunately dump them into a giant hole in the ground when we're finished with them. Which as you might have guessed is not good for our environment.

Better for the Environment

Instead of disregarding resources, zero waste products can be reused or consumed back into the environment. What might seem ludicrous to our generation was the norm 50 years ago. Ask your grandparents, the thought of buying products like plastic straws or paper towels was ridiculous. Although they might have adopted over consumption practices now, they more than likely did not grow up in that type of environment.

Our earth has finite resources and this over consumption doesn’t take into account how valuable those resources are. We need to take a step back in time and learn from our ancestors by redesigning products with complete absorption back into the manufacturing process.

This will eventually, with the help of everyone, create a circular economy. A circular economy reflects nature in that nature portrays no rubbish or waste. (Besides animal waste obviously which is good and essential for the environment!).

5 Tips for Zero Waste Living to Get You Started

There are many ways in which we can live a zero waste life - here's some useful tips for zero waste living to get you started...

1. Living like our grandparents!

Take a step back in time and try these simple ways to get on board with zero waste: 

  • Take your own hemp or tote bag to the store instead of buying one and then having to dispose of it later.
  • Minimise buying products with harmful or wasteful packaging. For example instead of getting your fruit and veg in a multi-chain supermarket, try your local fruit and veg store. This will reduce packaging and a plus - you can handpick your yummy choices.
  • Repair items, don’t throw things away without thinking about it, take out the manual, look up a solution online and try to fix the issue before giving up.

2. No, Nay, Never Plastic

Say no to plastic in general. An easy way to start is with plastic water bottles. Did you know that globally humans buy a million plastic water bottles per minute and that it is estimated that over half a trillion plastic bottles were sold in 2020! Try Cheeki bottles for an eco friendly alternative



3. Clean the atmosphere from inside your home

Have you ever questioned what you’re burning in order to heat your house, and how it might be impacting the atmosphere? The overwhelming smell should be an indicator as to how toxic these fumes are for our biosphere.

Why not take a stand and cleanse your atmosphere by using If You Care firelighters. These highly effective firelighters are made with FSC certified wood, making them sustainable, natural and non-toxic when in contact with plants or animals.

4. Swap out everyday items for their Eco-friendly counterparts

Another handy tip for zero waste living is to make the switch to eco-friendly brands and products. Simple changes can be made to start cleansing your household of harmful non-recyclable items. Simple things such as earbuds, scrubbing pads and toothbrushes can be replaced with zero waste products from companies like If You Care and The Humble Co. These products are easy to swap out and reasonable considering you’re saving money in the long run.

5. Making the Change

It is so important for the environment and the future generations to come that we do our best to create a happy environment for them. So even taking on board some of these tips for zero waste living can make a difference. Every little helps. Don’t get bogged down with the conversion to zero waste living, it’s not going to happen in a week or even a month the process will take time and everyone is different so do what suits you.

An easy way to adapt is to take the process by room. Remember it shouldn’t be an urge to throw everything out and start over as that would be a contradiction to the zero waste lifestyle. The lifestyle says waste nothing so make smart and thought out choices.

Shop Zero Waste Products on here!

Are you looking for more zero waste tips? Then read our blog 'Top 10 Plastic Free Swaps'.

Checked and updated: 5 August 2021