The Protein Ball Co Choc Chip Muffin Breakfast Balls


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The Protein Ball Co Choc Chip Muffin Breakfast Balls Enjoy the classic combination of rich plant-based chocolate and gluten-free oats, tasting just like a treat fresh from the bakery but without the added nasties. These little balls of power will give you the boost needed to get you through the morning. With Cacao nibs and pea crispies for that added crunch, these balls of perfection will get you leaping out of bed!  These chips of the ol' block give you 9g of plant protein, are high in fibre, have no added sugar or sweetener and we’ve added Vitamin B12, Vitamin...
Dairy Free Gluten Free Vegan Vegetarian
The Protein Ball Co Choc Chip Muffin Breakfast Balls
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