The Protein Ball Co Blueberry Oat Muffin Breakfast Balls


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The Protein Ball Co Blueberry Oat Muffin Breakfast Balls Inspired by American Blueberry Oat Muffins, these healthy breakfast balls are a fruity, delicious way to supercharge your mornings! Each one is made with gluten free oats and heaps of cashews, almonds and blueberries. They taste amazing straight out the pack or warmed up, and they’re so good for you. Packed with fibre, plant-based protein and a sprinkle of oats, cinnamon and pea crispies for extra crunch! These blueberry beauties give 7g of plant protein, are gluten-free and high in fibre. With no added sugar or sweeteners we’ve added Vitamin B12,...
Dairy Free Gluten Free Vegan Vegetarian
The Protein Ball Co Blueberry Oat Muffin Breakfast Balls
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