Deliciously Ella Salted Almond Caramel Cups


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Deliciously Ella Salted Almond Caramel Cups

Deliciously Ella Salted Almond Caramel Cups are made up of three delicious layers - a gooey vegan caramel at the bottom, followed by a layer of creamy salted almond butter ganache, and a thin layer of sweet vegan chocolate on top. These layers sit in an oaty cup – the perfect plant-based indulgence.



Gluten Free Oats (30%) Date Syrup, Coconut Oil, Dark Chocolate (11%) (Cacao Nibs, Coconut Sugar, Cacao Butter) Roasted Almond Butter (8%), Coconut Sugar, Cacao Powder, Maple Syrup, Salt.

Dairy Free Gluten Free Vegan Vegetarian
Deliciously Ella Salted Almond Caramel Cups
Deliciously Ella Salted Almond Caramel Cups
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