Tisserand Organic Lemongrass Essential Oil


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Tisserand Organic Lemongrass Essential Oil - 9ml A sweet yet sharp zesty aroma with a herby undertone, Tisserand's Lemongrass essential oil, steam distilled from the leaves and stems of the tropical grass is uplifting for your mood and restorative for low energy. Used in a diffuser it creates a clean and fresh atmosphere, creating a soothing spa experience in the comfort of your own home. It is also a great circulation stimulant, able to soothe muscular and abdominal discomfort and is great for a sluggish digestive system. Lemongrass can help to invigorate the body after exercise and its sweet, fresh fragrance...
Cruelty Free Dairy Free Organic Soil Association Organic Vegan Vegan Society Certified Vegetarian
Tisserand Organic Lemongrass Essential Oil
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