Solaris Organic Mate Chocolate Mint Loose Leaf Tea



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Solaris Organic Mate Chocolate Mint Loose Leaf Tea - 50g Solaris Tea Organic Mate Chocolate Mint Tea is a delicious, indulging herbal tea blend. The Organic Green Mate Tea contains an infusion of the rich, creamy flavour of cocoa peels are combined with a refreshing dash of peppermint. Green Mate is derived from the Mate plant, a plant most commonly found in Paraguay and Argentina. It is naturally rich in nutrients including key minerals and vitamins A, C, E and B. Mate tea is a naturally energising drink and serves as a great alternative to coffee. It has a much...
Dairy Free Irish Organic Sustainable Packaging Vegan
Solaris Organic Mate Chocolate Mint Loose Leaf Tea]
Chocolate Mint Loose Leaf Tea
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