Dublin Herbalists Pumice Stone with Wooden Tray Gift Set


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Dublin Herbalists Pumice Stone with Wooden Tray Gift Set Pumice stone is a porous, abrasive stone made from cooled volcanic rock and water. It is perfect for softening and sloughing away dead, dry skin. Use this pumice stone regularly on any dry, calloused skin on your feet to enjoy softer, smoother skin. Directions Start by soaking the calloused skin for several minutes in warm water. Wet the stone and then gently rub in small, circular motions until the dead skin is removed. Don’t press too hard, light pressure is all that is needed. Let the surface of the stone do...
Irish Vegan
Dublin Herbalists Pumice Stone with Wooden Tray
Dublin Herbalists Pumice Stone with Wooden Tray Gift Set
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